#6 : Venice, Italy

Date of Shot: 5 May 2019
Location: Venice, Italy
Court: Cus Venezia

I have heard a lot of mixed reviews about Venice. From what I can tell, you either love it or hate it.

Personally, maybe because we were here before peak season, I loved it. It is completely gorgeous. We arrived right after it had rained and the sun was shining and it seemed like some side streets were made of glass. The food was exceptional and even though it rained the main day we were there, it’s one of my favorite places I’ve been.


We shot this in the morning before heading to Rome. I shrug a lot in this video because I was feeling exceptionally tired, yet they were still hitting perfectly.

Our facebook fundraiser ended the other day and we raised $310 by that platform, and have met our goal of $1000 on the Pledge It! I am so grateful for the folks following and supporting this project. It has been exceptionally gratifying and empowering.

NEXT UP: Rome, Italy

You can still donate to the cause of ending cancer by going to https://pledgeit.org/count-the-makes-2

Thank you all so much,
