#8 : Chania, Crete, Greece

Date of Shot: 10 May 2019
Location: Chania, Crete, Greece
Court: 1st High School of Chania


Almost a full month, 3 countries, and 8 cities later I have reached Chania, Greece! This will be home base as I work with Archelon, the Sea Turtle Protection Society of Greece, to educate the public about sea turtle conservation, monitor beaches, and and protect nesting Caretta Caretta (Loggerhead) sea turtles. I already love my team and love the work.

This leg of Count the Makes has been incredibly gratifying. We reached and EXCEEDED our goal of $1000, raising so far $1,310 for 5 for the Fight. Thank you all for joining the fight against cancer with me. You can still donate until May 22nd!

I can’t believe how beautiful this world is. I can’t believe how lucky I am to get to see it and experience it and contribute to it. Cancer has no place in it and I’m glad there are organizations like 5 for the Fight out there, making strides in getting rid of it.


Stay tuned as the Pledge It comes to an end on the 22nd, I’ll be sure to post as I send in the donation to 5 for the Fight. Stay tuned for what’s next with Count the Makes.

Thank you all so much for your kind words and support. Thank you for caring.

Much love,


#7 : Rome, Italy

Date of Shot: 5 May 2019
Location: Rome, Italy
Court: Basketball Playground

I made a shot in Venice, loaded into a train, and many hours later we made it to Rome. After sitting all day, we were eager to get out and move a bit. We initially thought we would have a court just a couple of blocks away from our AirBnB but it turns out a lot of basketball courts in Rome are surrounded by fences and locked, so it took us a bit of a trek to find somewhere public to play.

After some perseverance, we managed to find this hoop, which was decidedly busy. Lots of folks playing pick up games and shooting around. Unfortunately I didn't dress the part, otherwise I would have loved to join them.

Rome was such an adventure. We ate plenty of gelato, drank wine, saw jaw dropping art. So grateful I had a friend who would traipse around the city with me.


It is amazing that this leg of the Count the Makes journey is coming to a close. I have had such a phenomenal time and now all that’s left is to save some turtles on Crete.

NEXT UP: Chania, Greece

Thank you all so much for the support. It is not too late to donate at https://pledgeit.org/count-the-makes-2

Much love,


#6 : Venice, Italy

Date of Shot: 5 May 2019
Location: Venice, Italy
Court: Cus Venezia

I have heard a lot of mixed reviews about Venice. From what I can tell, you either love it or hate it.

Personally, maybe because we were here before peak season, I loved it. It is completely gorgeous. We arrived right after it had rained and the sun was shining and it seemed like some side streets were made of glass. The food was exceptional and even though it rained the main day we were there, it’s one of my favorite places I’ve been.


We shot this in the morning before heading to Rome. I shrug a lot in this video because I was feeling exceptionally tired, yet they were still hitting perfectly.

Our facebook fundraiser ended the other day and we raised $310 by that platform, and have met our goal of $1000 on the Pledge It! I am so grateful for the folks following and supporting this project. It has been exceptionally gratifying and empowering.

NEXT UP: Rome, Italy

You can still donate to the cause of ending cancer by going to https://pledgeit.org/count-the-makes-2

Thank you all so much,


#5 : La Spezia, Italy

Date of Shot : 4 May 2019
Location : La Spezia, Italy
Court : Centro Sportivo "Alessandro Montagna"

This court was so. so. so. cool.

Cinque-Terre, for all it’s many wonderful qualities, does not actually have a super accessible basketball court. Vernazza, where we were staying, is tiny. Beautiful, beachy, great wine, great hiking, but small. Because of that, on our way to Venice we made a stop in La Spezia and found my favorite court so far in this project.

I will say, by the time we got to the court which is a short 15 minute walk from the train station, I was covered in sweat from lugging my backpack around in a jacket on a sunny day, but it was totally worth it.

Grazie, La Spezia.


WE DID IT. We raised $1,000 on the Pledge It! And we’re not even done yet! I am so grateful for the people who have supported me and supported this project. Cancer is such a personal cause for so many of us. Thank you for standing with me to make a difference.
NEXT UP: Venice, Italy

Thank you guys x10000000000.


#4 : Florence, Italy

Date of Shot: 30 April 2019
Location: Florence, Italy
Court: Piazza Massimo D’Azegllio

We made it to Italy! After an eventful week in New York, seeing shows on broadway and in night clubs, we packed into a bus and made our way to Boston to catch our flight. Before making it there, we spent the night in Connecticut, reconnecting with some amazing people I met on my last journey through Europe! We had a complete blast.

6+ hour flights followed by a 10 hour layover was truly brutal for us but Florence did not disappoint. I definitely fell in love with this city, the narrow streets surrounded by tall brick and stone buildings, the history, the art. Every part of our time in Florence was well spent and enjoyed.


We happened upon this court after stopping in at the Botanical Gardens in the City. When we came back later there was a game of football (soccer) going on and I was able to shoot around with a couple of locals, Arnold and Andrea.

Many thanks to Natalie for taking the video!! It’s nice to have a travel companion that’s willing to run around searching for basketball hoops with you.

Join the journey and help me raise money for 5 for the Fight, an organization dedicated to eradicating cancer from our society!

You can donate to the cause by going to https://pledgeit.org/count-the-makes-2 and making either a one time donation or by donating per shot.


Thank you all x1000.

Much love,


#3 : Brooklyn, NYC, USA

Date of Shot: 24 April 2019
Location: Brooklyn, New York City, NY
Court: Sternberg Park

New York City truly has an individual feel to it. The sirens never stop, the lights never dim, the streets are never empty. Every kind of person can be found in a city block. It’s intimidating and exciting.

When I arrived in Brooklyn, it was raining. Night seemed to come early. But as if I was due for some good karma, by the next day the sun was shining and it was time to put on shorts for the first time in many moons.

It feels like I have been here weeks, after all the walking and exploring me and my childhood best friend have been doing. We’ve eaten some killer pizza, journeyed through Central Park, experienced one of my favorite Jazz groups, The Ladybugs, live at Rockwood Music Hall. It’s amazing to think we’ve really just begun — that we have so much ahead.

The city is also not lacking for basketball courts. While at morning time you’ll see only a few people shooting around and working on their game, by 3PM the courts are flooded. Different skill levels, ages, demographics are displaying what they can do with a basketball.

Natalie teased me endlessly leading up to this shot - “so when you’ve made a shot in 3 hours, we can head to Manhattan…”

I am pleased to report I made a shot my first try. ;)

We still have plenty to look forward to in the City. Tonight is Book of Mormon on Broadway.

Unfortunately the Steve Nash Foundation Charity Shield event got moved to next week, at which point I will be in Italy, so I will have to catch them next time. I would definitely suggest checking out their organization at https://stevenash.org. They’re doing great work for children in underserved communities. The mission statement for Count the Makes is “I want to try to make a difference by engaging our global community and fundraising for groups who are making tangible progress in the health and happiness of the people in this world.“ The Steve Nash Foundation certainly applies.


We are raising money to cure cancer with 5 for the Fight.

You can donate to the cause by going to https://pledgeit.org/count-the-makes-2 and making either a one time donation or by donating per shot.


Everlastingly full of gratitude for the folks supporting me and this cause,

Much love,


#2 : St. Paul, MN, USA

Date of Shot: 19 April 2019
Location: St. Paul, MN, USA
Court: Hamline Park

Happy Easter Team!

At 4AM on the 17th of April, I packed myself and my massive backpack into an Uber and caught a plane to Minneapolis, MN.

This first leg of my journey is especially meaningful, not only because the Twin Cities are home to the Minnesota Lynx WNBA team, but they are also home to my sister, brother-in-law and two lovely nieces. It also just so happens to be Easter week, which is particularly significant when your sister is in seminary.

While I was away for 15 months last year, my appreciation for my family grew. I stayed in touch by chatting over messenger during Jazz games and video chatting on weekends.

So here I am in Minnesota, going to Twins games with my sister and getting chocolate milk at the local coffee shop with my 5 year old niece.

When I got into Minneapolis, it was cold and raining, but the weather has since turned sunny and essentially perfect. On this day, we grabbed our Minnesota Lynx basketball, put Buffy the dog on her leash, and headed over to Hamline park to enjoy the sunshine.

The first thing I have to say is that my sister’s family LOVES the Minnesota Lynx and I think this is the year for me to get the WNBA League Pass and follow along. The second thing - my niece Adah has a nice little jump shot coming along.


I made these basking in the sunshine and hit 3 in a row. :)

So FYI my highlights of Minnesota thus far are:

  • The Twins game with my sister Katie

  • Perpetual hangs with my two super cool nieces

  • The Franconia Sculpture Park

  • Lunch at the Free House in downtown Minneapolis

I asked my 12-year-old niece if she has been affected by cancer and even at that young an age, she’s seen a number of people close to her struggle with it. This shot is for her Grandma.

Every little bit counts!

You can donate to the cause by going to https://pledgeit.org/count-the-makes-2 and making either a one time donation or by donating per shot.

NEXT UP: New York City, NY

Much love!


#1 : Apex, NC, USA

Date of Shot: 15 April 2019
Location: Apex, North Carolina, USA
Court: Apex Community Park

Starting off my trip maybe a little rusty, but ready to warm up quickly and take on the world.

I spent a busy last few days in North Carolina, frantically getting everything together and enjoying the comforts of home. I probably drove a car for the last time for a while. It turns out a month at home isn’t nearly enough time to do everything you want to do. There are so many people, events, places I wanted to see that I didn’t really get a chance to visit. Hopefully most of it will be there when I find my way back.

 It’s funny how you think packing for a big trip is going to be completely chill and easy - I’ve done it multiple times by now. I had a detailed packing list, I was completely intent on traveling light. Then suddenly, three days and 5 packing variations later, you’re stressed and frustrated and you forgot to pack the presents you have for your nieces.

Life is hard! ;)

But this is the life I chose, so. One of these days I’m certain I’ll have it down.

On the day we shot this, I had been running around trying to accomplish all of the errands I had laid out for myself. Evening was setting in and I wasn’t sure we would have the right sunlight for the shot. I was pushing to go to the gym instead of finding a court to play on.

Luckily, Sara was insistent that we shoot some hoops. By the time we reached this court in Cary, the sun had about 45 minutes to an hour of light to offer us. There was a slight chill in the air, but nothing a few minutes of running around and shooting wouldn’t cure.

Many thanks to my sister Sara for the videography + support. I can’t say how nice it was to spend this past month with family.

That said, it’s time to embrace being a nomad and set some intentions and goals for my trip. I want to come back in a few months not only with stories, but with a feeling of progress, growth and accomplishment.

I want to come back having raised money to help cure cancer.

I asked Sara who her $5 is for and she said it’s for my dad, Bruce, who had a melanoma when I was young. He is doing well and I couldn’t be more grateful for the medical professionals who fixed him up for us.

Cancer won’t be cured without research. We can make a difference.

You can donate to the cause by going to https://pledgeit.org/count-the-makes-2 and making either a one time donation or by donating per shot.

NEXT UP: St. Paul, MN

Thank you so much for your support and much love,


Counting the Makes in 2019

Friends and Family,

2018 was a pretty extreme year for me. For the first time in a long time, I made some decisions for myself -- I spent the year far away from my family and close friends and allowed myself to take risks and take action and sometimes feel alone. Along the way, I remembered a few things about what makes me who I am.

I love basketball. I love being active. I love serving others. I love taking risks and allowing myself to be unabashed and putting myself out there. Also, in case you haven't noticed yet, I am a cheesy person who just wants to hug everyone for like 20 minutes straight and write cheesy notes about how much I love my friends.

Last year, I reached career goals, personal goals, fitness goals.

Last October, to celebrate my birthday all month, I ran around Europe, raising money for an awesome charity 5 For The Fight. I made a bunch of three pointers, I played a pick up game of basketball with a group of hilarious and kind strangers in Barcelona. I worked out in random parks and random gyms. I met incredibly funny and cool and interesting people. I stayed in hostels and Airbnbs, I navigated public transportation (CAN YOU BELIEVE I MANAGED THAT).

2019 is offering a lot already. I somehow have plans. I somehow have even more career goals and personal goals and fitness goals.

I am knocking off some major bucket list items.

Part of that is going to involve continuing my Count the Makes project. On my way to spending 12 weeks in Greece to volunteer with Archelon, The Sea Turtle Protection Society, I am stopping in some cities in the USA, Italy and ending in Greece and I'm going to make a 3-pointer in each location.

Once again, I will be donating per shot to 5 For The Fight and I just want to invite you guys to join me.

I also take support in high fives and hugs.

It's Personal.

Hello Everyone!

With this next exciting, world traversing trip ahead, I wanted to take a moment to bring things back home a little bit. I wanted to talk a little bit about not only why I think 5 for the Fight is such an impactful organization, but about what connects me to the cause. I want to talk a little bit about how cancer has touched my life on a very personal level and why I feel 5 for the Fight is so empowering.

I lost both of my grandmothers to cancer before I was 8 years old. My own mom’s mom passed away before I was even old enough to understand who she was. My dad’s mother passed away when I was a little girl and I have a few very distinct memories from that time. I remember visiting her in the hospital and my Aunt ushering me over to her bedside, telling me to be gentle because I was holding her hand on the arm that was connected to her IV. I remember the apple dress I wore to her funeral. I’ll always remember her strong New Jersey accent, the way she fed her fluffy Pomeranian dog, Beau, at the table, and the way she called me Tidbit as a nickname.

My grandma Ackerman was a force to be reckoned with. She could always tell when I didn’t practice my piano before coming over for lessons and she could scold with the best of them. But with that, I was often the recipient of her creativity and tenderness. When she died, I was given my very first journal from her possessions and a porcelain figurine of a baby turtle hatching that said “tidbit” on the bottom. I have kept a journal ever since.


Throughout the years I have seen people too young and too important to me struggle with cancer. I think we have all known and felt the ache in our chests when we hear someone near us, or even someone distant to us, has been diagnosed. It’s a fight and I have a deep admiration for the folks who meet it in battle.

Here I am now, sitting in a coffee shop in Salt Lake City, feeling a bit raw and vulnerable and feeling that ache all over again. I am reminded why combatting cancer at any level we can is important.

When I heard about 5 for the Fight, it just clicked for me. I have done some community organizing in my day and the idea that the more we put our voices together, the louder we’re heard has always stood out to me. Small acts compounded bring great change. 5 for the Fight enforces the idea that we all have a stake in the fight and all have the power to contribute to the end of cancer. Even $5 makes a difference.

My $5, $50, $100, $1000 is for Barbara Ackerman. It’s for Katherine Elian. It’s for Kip, Clarissa, Bruce, Nancy, Hope. It’s for the people I know and the people I don’t. It’s for me and my future and my prayer that I won’t have to experience any more loss caused by cancer.

If you’d like to be a part of this journey and cause, you can donate here.

Thank you all very much for all of the support!!

Much love,