Thank You & What's Next

Hey Team!

I am back at work, my first trip for Count the Makes has come to an end. We raised $870 for 5 for the Fight!! How are we so awesome, I really can’t even stand it. I recorded a little video saying thank you, but in case you don’t want to watch me stammer for 5 minutes in a dimly lit room (I was going to edit it to make it brighter but you would not believe how much pain was involved in even getting this on a shareable platform), I’ll reiterate the sentiment below:

To be honest, when I started this project and as I went, I occasionally felt a little self conscious sharing what I was doing. I felt nervous asking for support. But when I take a second to look at the big picture, I think folks taking part in causes like this truly matter. Maybe ~$1000 is just a blip on the 5 for the Fight radar. Maybe giving $5 to fight cancer seems obsolete to you or nonsensical.

But even a small collection of small gestures, of putting faith in something, of putting heart and soul into something, can add up to something very powerful.

So thank you Ricky Rubio for sharing your story and bringing this organization to my attention, that small step impacted me. Thank you to 5 for the Fight for not only being a vessel for important work but for showing that a little bit goes a long way - that message has impacted me.


Thank you to everyone who has donated and supported me throughout this project, that bit of kindness has impacted me. Thank you to the folks I met along the way that pointed me in the direction of my train or shared a laugh with me, your openness has impacted me.


And thank you to everyone who has fought or is fighting cancer, your strength and courage has impacted me.

There is a lot of pain that surrounds us all, it is amazing to open your eyes and realize people all over the world are actively and radically working to counteract it.

This is just one small thing, one small step. But just the act of being a part of it has already made a large footprint on my path and as I move forward and look for more ways to contribute to this vast, gorgeous, wonderful world, I will take those lessons with me.

So thank you everyone who contributed.


If you still want to donate to 5 for the Fight you can do so at:

Stay tuned for what is next for Count the Makes. I have a lot of ideas and have a trip in the works for April-May, 2019.

Many thanks and much love,
